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What Can a HydraFacial Do for You?

As we age, our skin can become damaged, dry, and dull for different reasons, including excessive exposure to the sun or elements, poor diet, lifestyle stressors, environmental pollutants, and genetic predispositions. Through HydraFacial, you can breathe new life into your skin with no need for painful, invasive, or costly medical treatments. This is a safe but powerful treatment that can be done on all skin types in under an hour. Talk with the professionals at Precision M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center in Elk Grove, California, to customize your treatment plan to meet your needs.

Why Does HydraFacial Exist?

This treatment exists to correct an array of the most common cosmetic flaws that may cause us to feel uncomfortable in our skin, including fine lines and wrinkles, skin firmness, texture, pore congestion, and dark spots, among other things. Precision M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center in California is your premier destination for the most effective and up-to-date anti-aging treatments.

What Is a HydraFacial Treatment?

This treatment is a popular and widely used, safe, and effective in-office medical cosmetic facial treatment that uses patented technology with nourishing ingredients to cleanse the skin gently, extract dead skin cells, and infuse and hydrate the skin to improve its health and aesthetic quality.

This process works to create a more youthful complexion for a glamorous, healthy glow. This treatment is safe for virtually all skin types. It can help refine the skin’s texture, improve the skin’s elasticity and firmness, evenly tone and enhance the skin’s vibrancy and glow, and can eliminate unsightly brown spots and clogged or enlarged pores, giving a cleaner and more healthy complexion.

How Is it Different From Microdermabrasion?

The once-popular resurfacing treatment, or microdermabrasion, uses micro-crystals that mechanically exfoliate the skin. While it is an effective treatment for some, especially for those needing a stronger and deeper exfoliating treatment, it can irritate sensitive skin types, including those with hyperpigmentation or those who are prone to excessive acne.

HydraFacial was born with the goal of combatting the abrasiveness of the micro-crystals and using a softer and safer method of exfoliating and extracting through the use of water or water-based solutions as an exfoliant.

How Does a HydraFacial Treatment Work?

The HydraFacial is a safe, effective, and very comfortable medical cosmetic treatment performed by a licensed medical skincare professional, and it can benefit nearly anyone who wants to improve the quality of their skin. This treatment process doesn’t require painful chemicals, incisions, injections, anesthesia, lasers, or the lengthy recovery times seen with many other cosmetic treatments.

Instead, this treatment is performed in-office with a simple 30, 60, or 90-minute sessions, making it easy to fit it in with your busy schedule. One of the many benefits is that there isn’t any downtime/ You can carry on with your day-to-day activities after the treatment is complete, though it is recommended that you not wear makeup for at least 24 hours after each session for optimal results.

Each treatment session is comprised of a few critical steps, which we discuss below. Each of these steps is necessary to ensure the best therapeutic results.

Step One: Consult a Professional

Though this is a safe and comfortable treatment that doesn’t have any downtime, it requires the use of professional-grade equipment that can only be operated by a licensed professional.

As a result, before any treatment plan can begin, you will need to schedule a consultation with a licensed medical skincare professional so they can assess your skin health and medical history, address any health-related concerns you may have, review your aesthetic goals, identify the most effective treatment plan available to achieve your goals, and begin scheduling your treatments.

Step Two: Cleanse and Exfoliate

Each treatment session begins with a soft cleaning of the face to remove any surface debris. After cleansing, there is a gentle exfoliation of the face to target the damaged areas and dull skin cells.

This exfoliation process uses a pressurized, water-based solution, so it is gentle enough for sensitive skin but powerful enough to break up the topmost layer of dead skin cells to uncover a new layer of smooth, healthy skin beneath the surface.

Step Three: Extract and Hydrate

Once your skin is clean and carefully exfoliated, the next step can begin. With step two, the debris and dirt particles that may remain in the skin are gently suctioned away with a unique spiral suction tip on the facial device that dislodges impurities and more deeply cleanses and refreshes the skin.

Using the spiral suction tip of the HydraFacial device, the dead skin cells and surface debris are removed efficiently, providing a gentler method of extraction than the alternatives, including chemical peels or lasers. During the suction process, the skin’s pores open and the skin itself becomes hydrated with a special blend of vital nutrients that are easily absorbed.

Step Four: Fuse and Protect

After the skin is hydrated, the facial device is used to gently saturate the skin’s surface with a specific serum loaded with antioxidants and peptides to maximize your skin’s glow. This final process helps make your skin look and feel more refreshed, youthful, and healthy.

How Long Until You See Results?

After each treatment session, you will notice immediate results. Your skin will feel smoother, softer, and more hydrated than before because of the exfoliating acids and hydrating ingredients. You may also notice a slight reduction in the puffiness in your face because of the lymphatic drainage that may occur. Using nutrient-rich serums may also temporarily plump up fine lines and wrinkles, which will reduce their appearance temporarily.

Though you will see and feel positive results immediately after your first session, and the effects last longer than with traditional facial treatments, a HyrdaFacial is not designed to be a one-time fix It requires multiple sessions.

It is recommended that you get a treatment at least once every four to six weeks for optimal therapeutic results. The treatment is a form of skin therapy and will help improve the quality of your skin when you make it a part of your skincare regimen. You should discuss your skincare regimen ideas with your skincare professional to ensure it will align properly with your goals.

How Much Does the Treatment Cost?

This is a popular, high-demand treatment that is performed in-office with a trained medical skincare professional who uses a handheld device. There are no surgical cutting tools or lasers, and no prescribed medicines are necessary to use after the treatment is complete. As a result, the cost is much more affordable than the alternative options available.

Because this treatment can only be performed from skincare professionals, including licensed aestheticians and doctors, the cost of the treatment will be higher than at-home remedies, which are far less effective and do not last. The cost for this treatment experience will vary depending on the personalized treatment you are getting, your geographical location, and which medical spa or dermatologist you visit. Contact the staff at Precision M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center in California to get a quote and learn about the financing options they have available.

Is the Treatment Right for You?

Have you become concerned with your complexion? Over time, our skin tone can become damaged by frequent exposure to the sun and elements, and it can become dry or oily, faded, and wrinkled. Our pores can become clogged or enlarged, causing us to break out in acne.

Overall, the poor quality of our skin can make us feel uncomfortable and self-conscious in public. If you want to improve the quality of your skin but don’t want to have a costly, painful, and invasive surgical treatment with lengthy recovery time, HyrdraFacial may be right for you.

This treatment allows you to reclaim your once healthy, radiant, glowing skin through a personalized, non-invasive treatment with proven results and no downtime. If you have known allergies or a pre-existing skin condition such as chronic rosacea or severe acne, it is best to consult with the professionals at Precision M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center before seeking treatment.

Personalize Your Experience

One of the many amazing benefits of this treatment is the extent of customization options currently available. This treatment uses a safe and specialized serum specifically designed to address a certain cosmetic flaw that may give you concerns. You can choose to add one of the following booster serums to your treatment plan:

Brightalive Boost Serum

The Brightalive Boost Serum is specially designed to brighten and restore a healthy skin tone. This booster serum consists of a combination of a skin brightening complex that provides a unique blend of skin brighteners and glycerin, which replenishes and restores skin’s hydration.

Growth Factor Boost Serum

The Growth Factor Boost serum is specially designed to help minimize fine lines and wrinkles. This serum boost comprises naturally occurring growth factors that renew the skin from the inside out.

While the HydraFacial is clearing away dead skin cells and debris, this serum booster is infusing the new skin with growth factors that target any fine lines and wrinkles to minimize their appearance and restore the skin to a more healthy and youthful-looking state. The result of this booster serum is a more youthful, refreshed, radiant, and even skin complexion.

Dermabuilder Boost Serum

The Dermabuilder Boost serum is specially designed to balance and improve the skin’s texture. This booster serum is comprised of an advanced age-refining peptide complex designed to help smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as seen in the Growth Factor boost serum, but it also enhances the skin’s elasticity.

Britenol Boost Serum

The Britenol Boost serum is administered differently than the other boost serums. The Britenol boost serum is applied directly to the problem areas and not the entire face as with other boost serums. The Britenol boost serum is specially designed to correct brown spots and damage from sun exposure.

Statistically, sun damage accounts for most of the damage we see on our skin. This booster serum is specially formulated and clinically proven to target and correct dark spots and sun-damaged areas while leaving the skin glowing with a more even complexion.

Reclaim Your Healthy Skin Today!

Would you like to learn more about the HydraFacial experience and see if it’s right for you? The staff at Precision M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center are professional, knowledgeable, and dedicated to helping you feel comfortable in your skin. Contact Precision M.D. Cosmetic Surgery Center in Elk Grove, California today to schedule your consultation!

9250 Big Horn Blvd
Suite 100
Elk Grove CA 95758
Telephone: 916-691-6666

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