Nail Fungus Treatment in Sacramento, CA

Fungal nail infections can be unsightly, making your nail look unhealthy. Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is characterized by a discoloration beneath the toenail or fingernail, the thickening of nails, or the splitting of the nails.
Fortunately, with treatment, many people can get rid of nail fungus.
It is common to see individuals use over-the-counter medications, whether oral or topical, to treat the condition; however, many of these medications only reduce symptoms and fail to address the root of the problem. For this reason, there has been a growing interest in the use of YAG laser treatments for treating nail fungus.
Am I a Candidate for Nail Fungus Treatment?
It is an ideal treatment for those seeking a quick, safe, and effective procedure that eliminates fungus at the source.

How Is the Nail Fungus Treatment Performed??
During your procedure, your nails are exposed to the light energy of the YAG laser, which deeply penetrates tissue and efficiently targets fungal overgrowth in the nail. Since fungus spreads from one nail to another, the treatment will target all ten nails at the time of your appointment and will not damage the nail or affect the surrounding skin.
The procedure is non-invasive and has great potential to restore clear nail growth with relatively few sessions.
The number of treatment sessions will depend on the severity of the condition though typically, optimal results can be achieved after three to four sessions spread over several weeks.
What Is Recovery Like?
Following treatment, patients are advised to observe proper hygiene by keeping their feet clean, dry, and sanitized between cleansing. Your shoes should be sterilized as well.
Patients should note that reinfection can be acquired anywhere from the environment, especially in damp areas such as public showers, swimming pools, gyms, nail spas, etc.

What Results Can I Expect From My Nail Fungus Treatment?
While you will not see results immediately following treatment, the nails will continue to improve progressively with each treatment.
Results will be noticeable usually in a few months but are most visible after nine months to one year, which is the timeline needed for complete nail growth.
Interested in Nail Fungus Treatment in Sacramento, CA?
Are you exhibiting some of the signs and symptoms of nail fungus? Maybe you have tried different oral and topical medications with no success. It is time to consider being evaluated for our YAG laser nail fungus treatment. Feel free to contact us today at 916-691-6666 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation, and let us develop a customized treatment plan for your specific concerns.